We’re now two weeks away from the greatest and most important event of the year, World Cup! I wanted to share with you all my specific training I’ll be performing over these next couple weeks to show you how I strategically train, stretch, practice and rest, to optimize maximum performance for the all mighty Word Cup! If you’re competing in the World Cup too follow along with me!!! And if not, this is a good template to save and follow when you are two weeks out from your next tournament.
note: all the circuit training will be the same full body circuit that you will find below. It’s from a section in my performance training paintball Ebook and I still use this stuff! Remember to stretch and warm up before each day of circuit training. You will need a speed latter, jump rope and an optional sprinters parachute. You’ll notice I don’t do much heavy lifting in these last couple weeks leading up to the event because I like to stay nice and limber. I don’t want to be muscle bound and tight.
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Wouldn't it be a good idea to create a course?