Marcello Margott
San Diego Dynasty Professional Player
Marcello has played for a variety of top level teams such as San Diego Aftermath, LA Ironmen, Russian Legion and has spent the majority of his career with his current team, San Diego Dynasty.
He has been playing professional paintball for over 14 years and is a multi-x world champion that is known for his ability to lead and teach both on and off the field. He spends most of his time traveling the world to compete and teach at the highest level. Catch him along with PROfessor Tyler Harmon on their HUGE Play The Game Podcast!
He is the author of the very successful book “Paintball IQ” which is one of the most in depth pieces of literature our sport has that goes into great detail on how to play the game correctly.
Marcello’s strongest value is his ability to connect with his students and explain his theory in a way that everyone can understand clearly. His genuine care for the game truly shows through his commitment to helping players achieve their goals within the sport.