I’m usually preaching nutrition as the key on how to drop fat or keep it off, but this time my advice is a simple training routine you can implement to help keep that fat off! If you can increase your VO2 Max and increase your metabolic rate, this would allow you to burn more calories when resting all day and night! If your body is burning more calories at rest, it allows you to eat those extra calories through the holidays.
The Game Plan: 3 Days of HIIT training per week first thing in the morning. Spread them out too. Monday, Wednesday Friday would be great days to choose. If you do 6-10 min of HIIT right when you wake up you’ll spark your metabolism for the whole day and the next one to follow. Here is my routine and it can be done in your living room!
Burpees: 10x
Rest 40 seconds
Repeat 6-10 rounds
This is all it takes! 10 minutes of your morning 3x’s a week and you’ll be revving up that metabolism all season long!
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