You know when you see people playing the snake laying on their stomach with their legs fully extended behind them? Ya, those people are usually not the first snake guy and that’s for a reason. They are too big or not flexible enough to get in tight on their knees. When you can play the snake on your knees and able to get your upper body low enough to hide your pack you have the best advantage. You are mobile to snap shoot and ready to move to the next spot in a split second. Sure can’t snap shoot on your stomach and its going to add a few extra seconds to get up and make a bump.
Here are the examples of being on your stomach vs on your knees.
How can you improve your flexibility?
Improving your flexibility in a few specific areas can drastically improve your play in the snake.
The quad is the major muscle that will prevent your heal from touching your butt. The hips have to be able to bend and open up so that you can bring your knee to your chest. The lower back must be able to lay flat or even hunch over as you are down in the snake on your knees.
Stretches For Snake FlexibilityHere are three easy at home stretching that will help you improve your flexibility for the snake.
Perform these every day. Hold each position for 15-20 seconds.
Quad Stretch
Lower back
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