Watch Ryan Greenspan and Kyle Spicka breakdown their matches against each other. Get an inside look of the match from both sides.
Welcome to the Nick Slowiak experience. Nick has been playing paintball for 23 years of his life. He hated tournament paintball, but due to friends and his competitive drive, he started playing in local Chicagoland events in the late 90's. From there, he learned about Chicago Aftershock, their history, and what type of team they were. He set the goal of playing for that team then and there.
Nick has played for several pro teams and guested with numerous teams across the globe; Aftershock, Houston Heat, Upton 187, and, currently with, San Antonio X-Factor. Nick currently works for G.I. Sportz and does commentary for GoSports. He loves teaching clinics, playing mechanical on any field type, and long walks to field 6.
Nick Leival started as a player/coach that moved up all of the ranks of paintball to make it to the pro division with 187 Crew. After making a move to Edmonton Impact, he has been a part of one of the best runs of dominance in paintball history. He preaches good decisions over everything, is obsessed with team play, and moves based off the whole picture. Nick breaks down how to determine if you are playing the odds correctly and provides insight on how to make a more cohesive team dynamic.
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