This is a great drill to run, not only to improve your battling, but to improve your battling on a key position on the World Cup layout. The way Ryan set this battling drill up was the loser had to stay on. It’s a very interesting way instead of the usual winner stays on. He wanted to see everyone battle and who was going to struggle the most. Have two players line up in the Dorito 1 and they can only play the outside of their bunker.
We had a discussion after the drill and I hope you notice in the video as well. I pointed out that the point of this drill is not hide and snap shoot, it’s a battling drill and you can see when me and Colt run the drill, we never really stop fighting. I may have lost one or two times but I wasn’t hiding and was pushing myself. If you hide in this situation like some players were doing against me, guess what, that player has flown down the doritos and is shooting everyone in the side of the head.
If you run this drill this weekend, remember that, it’s not about hiding and out snap shooting the opponent. It’s about battling and dominating your opponent.
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